How Stress Affects Oral Health

How Stress Affects Oral Health

Posted by Smile Orthodontics Jun 22, 2023

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Stress is a common experience that we all face at some point in our lives. Whether it's caused by work, relationships, or personal struggles, stress can take a toll on our mental and physical health. But did you know that stress can also affect your oral health? That's right! Your teeth and gums are not immune to the negative effects of stress.

How Stress Affects Oral Health

Stress can have a significant impact on your overall health, including your oral health. When you experience stress, it affects your body's immune system and increases inflammation throughout the body. This inflammation can cause gum disease or exacerbate existing dental issues.

One of the most common ways that stress affects oral health is through teeth grinding or clenching, also known as bruxism. Grinding and clenching put excessive pressure on teeth, leading to tooth sensitivity, jaw pain, and even tooth fractures in severe cases. Additionally, high levels of stress often result in neglecting daily oral care routines such as brushing and flossing regularly. These habits are essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing dental problems like cavities or gum disease.

Moreover, when stressed, people tend to adopt unhealthy habits such as consuming sugary foods and drinks more often than usual, which can lead to decay-causing bacteria in their mouth.

Managing Stress to Maintain Oral Health

When it comes to managing stress, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, there are several techniques that have been shown to be effective in reducing stress levels and maintaining oral health.

Practicing mindfulness meditation can help you manage stress by increasing your awareness of the present moment and reducing negative thoughts. It has been shown to reduce cortisol levels which contribute to inflammation and periodontal disease.

Engaging in regular exercise releases endorphins that improve mood and decrease anxiety. This helps maintain good oral hygiene habits like brushing teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, as well as flossing daily.

It's important to adopt healthy eating habits such as consuming foods rich in vitamins C and D, which support immune system function, along with drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Seeking professional help from mental health experts or therapists may also be necessary for those with severe cases of stress-related disorders affecting their oral health.

Managing stress is essential for maintaining optimal oral health. Incorporating mindful practices into your daily routine, along with exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, and getting professional help when needed, can all go a long way toward keeping our mouths healthy!


It's important to recognize that stress has a significant impact on oral health. From increased teeth grinding and jaw clenching to decreased immune response and poor dental hygiene habits, stress can wreak havoc on our mouths. However, by taking proactive steps to manage stress through relaxation techniques, exercise, and seeking professional help when needed, we can maintain good oral health even during challenging times. By prioritizing our mental well-being along with our physical health, we can ensure healthy smiles for years to come.

To schedule a consultation with our dentist, contact Smile Orthodontics at 530 39th St, Des Moines, 50312, or call (515) 274-4637.

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