Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Posted by Jeff Sturdivant Dec 11, 2023

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Early orthodontic treatment involves addressing orthodontic issues in children at a young age, typically between 7 and 11 years old, before all permanent teeth have erupted. The goal is to identify and correct problems such as misaligned bites, overcrowded or spaced teeth, and jaw irregularities early on, taking advantage of the child's ongoing growth and development. By intervening at this stage, orthodontists can guide the growth of the jaw, create space for incoming permanent teeth, and address bite issues, potentially reducing the need for more extensive orthodontic treatment in the future. Early orthodontic therapy aims to achieve optimal dental and facial development, improving both the function and aesthetics of a child's smile.

Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Correction of Developing Issues

Early orthodontic treatment allows orthodontists to identify and address developing issues in a child's oral and facial structure. This proactive approach can prevent problems from worsening over time.

Guidance of Jaw Growth

Interceptive orthodontics takes advantage of a child's ongoing growth to guide jaw development. This can help achieve a more harmonious relationship between the upper and lower jaws, improving bite alignment.

Prevention of Crowding and Spacing

By addressing crowding or spacing issues early on, orthodontists can create adequate space for permanent teeth to erupt correctly. This can reduce the likelihood of future complications and the need for extensive orthodontic treatment.

Correction of Bite Problems

Interceptive orthodontics can address bite problems such as overbites, underbites, or crossbites. Correcting these issues early can improve facial symmetry, jaw function, and oral health.

Reduced Need for Extensive Treatment

Addressing orthodontic issues early may reduce the need for more extensive and prolonged orthodontic treatment in the future. This can lead to a more efficient and cost-effective overall treatment plan.

Types Of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Space Maintainers

Space maintainers are devices used when a baby's tooth is lost prematurely. They help preserve the space for the permanent tooth, preventing adjacent teeth from shifting into the gap and potentially causing crowding issues.


Retainers may be used as part of early orthodontic treatment to maintain the corrected position of teeth after other interventions. They help prevent teeth from shifting back to their original positions.

Invisalign for Teens

Invisalign offers a clear aligner system designed explicitly for teenagers by our dentist in West Des Moines. It can be an alternative to traditional braces for specific orthodontic issues, providing a more discreet treatment option.

Palatal Expanders

Palatal expanders widen the upper jaw in cases of crowding or a narrow upper arch. This helps create more space for permanent teeth and improves overall bite alignment.


Traditional braces may sometimes be used for specific orthodontic concerns, such as correcting misaligned teeth, closing gaps, or addressing bite issues. However, these braces are often designed to be more suitable for a child's early orthodontic needs.

Early orthodontic treatment is a proactive and preventive approach to optimize a child's oral health and development. Visit Smile Orthodontics at 105 Valley West Dr, West Des Moines 50265, or call (515) 274-4637 for the best care.

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